On-Page SEO Techniques

Latest On-Page SEO Techniques to Rank on the First page

Every SEO strategy is focused on ranking in the search engines. On-page SEO techniques are one of the most important factors for ranking on search engine results pages.

Google’s algorithm divided into two categories that will determine the ranking of your website: on-page factors and off-page factors.

To know what is Off-page SEO click on this Off-page SEO guideline.

Optimization of On-Page SEO Techniques

In this article, I will talk about on-page SEO techniques and how to do on-page optimization.

What are On-Page SEO Techniques?

On-page SEO means any optimization that you control and include on your website. On-page SEO focuses on optimizing elements on your websites, like textual and visual content, page speed, keyword density, meta description, image optimization, and user-friendliness of your site.

Why do On-Page SEO Techniques?

On-page SEO techniques consist of all the techniques of SEO you can control best. You can control the technical facts and the quality of your content.

On-page SEO techniques are the most important fact to rank on search engines. It can help you get higher rankings on search result pages, reach a more audience, get more organic traffic, and more conversions.

For ranking on the search results pages, you can get more traffic and you can increase your business.

Focusing on on-page SEO will also increase the possibility that your off-page SEO strategy will be successful. Nobody wants to link to articles that are badly written and boring content.

How to optimize On-Page SEO Techniques?

On-page SEO techniques have several different ranking factors. If you optimize all these factors, you will rank in search result pages and make your website more competitive and difficult to beat.

The Checklist of On-page SEO Techniques

You need to on-page optimization when you publish a new blog post. On-page optimization factors you should focus on include:

  • URL:

This is like an address for a page on the internet. URL structure is a part of on-page SEO. It should include brief descriptions of the topic of the page.

URL structure is one of the most important on-page SEO factors because it helps the search engines to understand what about your page.

You must make sure your URLs are short and include a targeted keyword in every URL.

For Example, if you have a page about a barbershop, whats name is ABC in California, a good URL for that would be www.yourdomainname.com/abc-in-california.

If you have multiple locations, you may use the following format: www.yourdomainname.com/location/abc-in-california.

Including your keyword in your URL instead of a long string also makes your site easier to navigate and gives people a better idea of your page topics.

  • Title Tag:

The title tag is your page’s title, it shows your website on search engine results pages. Using specific keywords in the title tag of each page makes it easier for search engines to understand your page.

Wrap your title tag in an H1 tag. WordPress automatically adds the H1 tag to your blog post title. You have to make sure your title is wrapped in an H1 tag and your keyword is inside of that H1 tag.

For example, if you’re targeting the keyword, “Berber shop in California” you may create the following title tag:” Top Berber shop in California”

Limit your title tag to 50 to 60 characters to prevent Google from cutting it off in search results and use your keyword at the beginning.

When you are writing your title tag, it should be short, clear, and descriptive but don’t copy from the page content.

The title tag is the most important on-page SEO factor because your title tag gives search engines a high-level overview of what your page is all about.

A strong title tag that contains targeted keywords will encourage more clicks and traffic.

  • Meta Description:

The meta description is one of the important on-page techniques. The meta description refers to the brief description found under the URL and title of the page when your site appears in the search result pages.

A meta description is the summary of your page. It helps visitors attract to your page and learn more about your page. It also boosts your organic click-through rate (CTR).

Include your keywords in your meta description for the best results. You should not stuff keywords in your meta description.

Your meta description should stick to 150 to 160 characters. You must be careful to never duplicate title tags or meta descriptions.

  • Heading tags:

This is your page’s heading. It helps your content to break it up and make it more readable for users. The heading is an important factor for on-page SEO techniques.

You need to make sure to use your heading tag in the H1 tag and include your keyword in the heading tag.

Wrap your subheadings in H2 tags and include your keyword in at least one subheading.

When writing your heading tags, remember to start with the H1 tag, then H2, H3, H4, H5, and H6.

You need to use your targeted keywords in your heading tags.

  • Alt tags:

Alt tags provide information for multimedia, like images and videos. Search engines can not see multimedia, so they depend on alt attributes to tell them what multimedia is.

You should make sure to describe your images as accurately as possible, both in the alt text and the image file name. You can also use your targeted keyword.

The search engine can not see your image, the crawler read the alt text to better understand your images. Make sure that alt tags read naturally for people and avoid stuffing keywords for search engines.

Focus on adding images that are relevant to your content, that reflect what you discuss on a specific page.

  • Keywords:

The keyword is a language that how people are typing into search engines. Using keywords throughout the body text of your page helps search engines to read it and rank it appropriately.

You should research and compile keywords for each page on your website. The keyword is one of the most important factors for on-page SEO techniques.

Focus on long-tail keywords with three to four words. Longtail keywords often have lower monthly search volumes, but they also have lower competition.

  • Content:

It provides users with answers and search engines with context. Content is critical to on-page optimization.

You need to use your targeted keyword once in the first 100 words of your content. This helps search engines to understand what your page is all about.

Use your targeted keyword in the content area at least 10 times. Google can be more confident about the topic of the page.

If you want to rank your page on search results, you must write comprehensive content. Because Google wants to show its users content that gives them everything they want on a single page.

You can give a reason for users to visit your site with content.

  • Use clear headlines that indicate the topic of each section of your content.
  • Using bullets and lists to make the content easier to scan.
  • Creating relevant calls to action that encourage users to click and access gated content.

Don’t copy any content from other websites. Duplicate content confuses site visitors and search engines crawler.

When numerous site pages contact the same information, search engines won’t know which page to rank in search results pages. Duplicate content is bad for on-page SEO factors.

  • Page Speed:

It measures how fast content on the page loads. Page speed is a ranking factor for SEO. Slow loading pages are bad for the user experience.

People want information, they want it now. People will be hit the back button if pages take too long to load. Fifty percent of users want not to wait for longer than three seconds to load.

It means that visitors will never see your pages. Slow loading pages are annoying. You should be aiming for 2 seconds of under as a general rule.

Google also uses page speed as a ranking factor. You can control and optimize your site speed and page load speed. You can follow some practices, like compressing images, eliminating unnecessary website code, and more.

Make your website load faster, and you can rank higher in search result pages.

To improve your page speed, use Google Search Console’s PageSpeed Insights to check your page speed. That will analyze your web page and give some optimization suggestions.

  • Images:

An image is a form of multimedia that helps people understand and skim content. If you use stock images in your content, it may be hurting your SEO. Stock images had used thousand of other websites.

Creating custom images and unique images can rank your page in search result pages.

Before adding images to your site, you should compress your images. Oversized images or uncompressed images can slow down your page speed, which can impact your page ranking. Your pages load speed as fast as possible by reducing image sizes.

Use alt text (alternate text) in your images, which can help to rankings in Google images. You can also use your keywords in your images.

  • If your image requires animation, use a GIF.
  • You don’t need a high-resolution image, use JPEG.
  • If you need a high-resolution image, use PNG.
  • Internal links:

It describes linking to and from pages on your own website. Internal links help crawlers explore your website, discover new content, and understand the context of different pages.

It can help your site to add authority and improve the experience for users interested in this relevant topic. The internal link will make it easier for searchers to further engage with your site.

Use internal links to improve your on-page SEO. You need to make sure to use keywords in the anchor text.

Focus on, adding links to relevant content and relevant topic.

  • HTTPS:

HTTPS- the website is secured and has an SSL certificate. Google uses this fact in its ranking algorithm.

A protocol is that “http” or “https” preceding your domain name. Google recommends that all websites have a secure protocol (the “s” in “https” stands for secure).

To ensure that your  URLs are using the https://protocol, you must obtain an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate. SSL certificates are used to encrypt data. It ensures that any data passed between the web server and browser of the searcher remains private.

Google Chrome displays “not secure” for all “http” sites, which could cause these sites to appear untrustworthy to visitors. For that result, visitors leave the site.

  • User Experience (UX):

When visitors land on your site they want their answer fast. Put the headline and introduction on top of your page. Then insert a relevant image under the headline and introduction. The content is well optimized, readable, and UX friendly

  • Responsive:

Responsive describes your site’s usability on mobile and other devices. Google uses responsiveness or mobile-friendliness as a ranking factor for search result pages.

A mobile-friendly website is essential because more than 50% of the internet’s traffic comes from mobile devices.

Use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test Tool to check your site’s responsiveness.


I hope this article helps you to know the fundamentals of On-page SEO techniques and learn how to optimize on-page SEO.

If you want to learn important SEO steps, you can read my another article like:

Those articles will help you with your SEO journey and learn important SEO steps. You must follow those steps. Keep patience your hard work will start showing results.

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